Purchase Agreements, Title Opinions, Real
Estate Closings, Contracts for Deed
The age-old handshake doesn’t mean what it used to. We will help you protect yourself by putting in writing any agreement regarding real estate.
Most clients assume that they hold clear title to their property. The only way to ensure that the title you hold to your property is clear and complete is through a Title Opinion. We have a great deal of experience with title work.
A Contract for Deed should include terms to protect both the Seller and the Buyer. The Buyer’s final payment pursuant to a Contract for Deed does not automatically or instantly transfer title to the Buyer. We will help make sure the Contract for Deed protects both parties and we will help transfer title when the Contract has been satisfied.
Crop Leases, Machinery Leases, Management Agreements
An agreement between Landlord and Tenant or Owner and Renter should be put into writing to ensure that both parties are aware of and agree to the terms negotiated. We prepare short-term and long-term leases. Leases can be renewed by the parties for a specific term.
Management Agreements are beneficial in the case of an out-of-state Landlord who hires an in-state Manager to oversee their property and manage the Tenants.
The ownership, transfer, and leasing of mineral interests is a complex matter that should only be handled by someone who has experience in the field. We have experience in mineral title work, lease review, and mineral probates.
Mineral Interests, Lease Review
Wills, Trusts, Decedent’s Estate
Planning for what will happen to your assets upon your death does not have to be a depressing or daunting task. Putting your affairs in order can produce a sense of security that your loved ones will be cared for when you have passed. We will make this process as simple and easy as possible to suit your needs.
Probate is a legal process that includes inventorying a deceased person’s property, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining property as the will or state law directs. We will be with you every step of the way through this emotional time.